Saturday, September 7, 2013

Facing the Giants

What are the giants you are facing in your life?  Fear, debt, broken relationships, lost years?  We all have giants we face in life.  The question is how do we handle those giants?  Do we stick our heads under the covers and hide and pretend they will go away or do we persevere against the odds and face the giants?

I heard a great comment once that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.  That 90% of what we worry about never comes to pass.  I had to think about that for a while and assess if that is true in my own life.  I have to say that it is.  90% of the things I worry are going to happen never happen.

So fear itself has become more of a giant to me at times than the actual giants.  It has paralyzed me from moving forward at times and has made me ineffective in the areas I can make an impact in.  The opposite of fear is faith- faith that you are where the Lord has called you to be.

When we operate in faith instead of fear, we are operating in the strength of the Lord and not our own.  The dreams that God gives us are meant to be carried out.  The challenge is to discern what dreams are from Him.  Once we discern that, there is no stopping the forward movement of our dreams.

Are you called to be a leader for the Lord?  Have you had fears or giants that have kept you from moving in the dreams God has given you?  Cry out to Him to put a new song in your heart to face those giants and move forward to be the leader for Him.

Perhaps you have been in a season of suffering that has brought you to a place of knowing Him.  That suffering is preparation for the dream He has placed on your heart.  We can only carry out the calling He has on our lives when we know Him.  Often knowing Him comes in the suffering.

Cry out to Him.  Listen for His voice.  Perhaps now is the time to rise up and face the giants and walk in His strength and power to be the leader He called you to be and carry out the dream He has placed on your heart.

As you rise up and face the giants, you will see more clearly the people he has placed in your path to bless.  Only when we are healed can we see the blessing of being healed and then reach out to bless and help others heal and grow.  What a revival we will see when we rise up to face the giants and walk in the calling the Lord has on our lives!

I will join you in facing the giants!
