Saturday, August 17, 2013

In Everything Give Thanks

So the verse from the Bible, "In everything give thanks", has been running through my mind for the last week or so.  While I am normally a pretty content person, I was struggling with this a little, during Thanksgiving week, of all times!  There has been so much to take care of with Winter coming, that I think I was feeling overwhelmed and not looking for the blessing in the circumstances.

The circumstances I was feeling overwhelmed with, though, quickly brought me reminders of why I should be grateful in everything.  Here are several reminders from my week of reasons to be thankful:

1.  My yard was getting fairly overgrown and not very attractive.  I have been wanting to take care of it, but was a little nervous to do so because some of the plants and trees are pretty old and I didn't want to cut what I shouldn't.  I thought my son was at the neighbor's working on a fence when he came in the door and said that I needed to come outside right now to see what he had done.  Without being asked, he had trimmed the bushes and the trees.  The without being asked thing is huge because it is usually a major chore to get him to mow the lawn!  He trimmed everything and raked it all up in order to put up the Christmas decorations.  The house looks beautiful and he was blessed and I was blessed.

2.  The last four years have brought a major change in friendships with people I love.  Three of them contacted me, after not much contact, and wanted to reconnect.  It was good to hear voices that I haven't heard for a while and to remember the joy in those relationships.  Some relationships that had been broken are being restored and that is certainly one of the best blessings.

3.  I still live in the home that our children have been born and raised in.  It is a lot to manage sometimes.  One of my dear friends and I were talking and I mentioned that my kids were outside helping a neighbor and she said, "what a blessing that they can be outside and you don't have to worry."  I was humbled by that comment because I often take for granted that we live in a place where our neighbors watch out for and love my kids.  My kids can ride their bikes and go down the street to the neighbors' and I don't have to worry.

4.  We have had wind storms that have knocked the power out.  We lose heat, water and electricity when the power goes out.  We lit candles and had flashlights and were waiting to see when the power would come back on.  My kids all worked together to make sure we were safe and warm.  My oldest daughter counted the candles to make sure that we didn't accidentally leave one burning later.  My youngest daughter went around and gathered jackets and robes to make sure we were all warm.  We were just gathering up some things to go stay with a friend when the power came back on.  It was fun to be distraction free- definitely a blessing in disguise!

Speaking of a blessing in disguise reminds me of the song by Laura Story called, "Blessings in Disguise".  

Here are some of my favorite lines from that song:
'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

I know that the trials in my life are what have brought me to recognize the blessings the most.  Enjoy the song!

P.S.  Whether you are on the mountaintop or in the valley, may you enjoy and recognize the blessing!

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